Hva ravnene hvisker...

Rebbekah Dorothea Kasner. 


Etter 1. Verdenskrig i 1918 kom det jødiske statskupp i Russland - i det vesentlige finansiert av Wall Street - og kommunistene tok makten. Kommunistiske opprør og tumulter fulgte så over hele Europa, særlig i Ungarn og Tyskland. I Ungarn tok de makten en kort tid, men i Tyskland ble de stanset av nasjonalsosialismen. I 1933 kom så den jødiske krigserklæringen  mot Tyekland, og i 1939 fulgte England og Frankrike opp.


Tyskerne ville ikke krig verken i 1914 eller i 1939, men krigene ble tvunget fram av den jødiske pengemakt. Man ville ikke ha et sterkt Tyskland midt i Europa, og man ville avskaffe det fripengesystem tyskerne hade innført og gå tilbake til Gjeldspengesystemet.


 Da krigen var tapt for tyskerne, ble landet gjort til en slavestat under jødevelde, Israel ble opprettet  og vi er i dag alle slaver. I Europa drives nå folkemordet fram etter Kalergiplanen.


I Tyskland er det for tiden ca. 30 amerikanske militærbaser. Engelske kommer i tillegg. I 2010 ble siste avdrag på krigsskadeerstatningen fra 1. verdenskrig betalt. Avbetalingen på gjelden til jødene for 'holocaust' blir aldrig fullbetalt - til jødenes tilfredshet.


 Nedenfor litt om tilstandene i Tyskland mens vi venter på at den jødedrevne krigen i Syria skyter ny fart.




The Zionists real name is Rebbekah Dorothea Kasner. This Zionist is the head of the largest economy of Europe and the most dictator communist regimes in the world, where just questioning the Holo-hoax can lead you to 5 years prison, or opposing Multiculturalism or the Islamic future of Germany, even on Facebook, can get you fined for “hate speech”, or fired from your Job

This Zionist is the head of the CDU Christian Democratic Union party, she pretends to be German and Christian while she is Polish and Jew and was member of the communist party who fought the German people

This thing Angela Merkel was introduced to politics by her antecedent Chancellor of Germany Helmut Kohl, who was also Jew, his real name was Hennoch Kohn who also has been the leader of Christian Democratic Union party CDU and was pretending to be Christian and German while he was Austrian Jew and prominent member of the great Masonic lodge “B’nai B’rith” that was made of only Jewish members

The Zionst Angela Merkel is the biggest enemy of the German people and one of the most dangerous Zionst in Europe. She gave gift to the terrorist state of Israel several German-made submarines that can be equipped by nuclear weapons, and they are considered the most advanced in the World that even Germany doesn’t have equivalent to them

This Zionist defends all Jewish interests in Europe and Worldwide. She is a prominent leader for the Islamization in Europe which is the Zionists plan for the great coming European civil war.

(Similar to what is happening in the Corporation of Canada )

She robs the German people, impoverish them by imposing the highest taxation rate in Europe while she gives very generous welfare to millions of invaders and immigrants who will just in 2045 become majority in Germany. She promotes all Zionist filth such as Homosexual rights, and feminist rights to reduce the birth rate of the native Germans

She is the biggest defender of the EU union that was created by the Zionists to destroy the European people and impoverish them. She received the “Kalergi Medal” that is given to European leaders who play a big role in race-mixing the White people of Europe with all non-Whites races that the Zionsts bring by massive immigration

She supported Ukraine coup made by the Jew George Soros; and removed by force with her American clowns the democratically elected pro-Russia Ukrainian Government and she placed a Jewish terrorist president (Poroschenko) in Ukraine.

She wants to start WW3 so the Zionists can destroy Western Civilization and rule the planet over the remaining slaves of the southern hemisphere.

This Zionist is one of the most dangerous woman in the world, but the Zionists put her on “Time magazine” as a “leader of the free world”

Adrian Azzopardi

Alle krigene i Midøsten har vært for Israel.

17. sep, 2018